Structural Racism

Bias hidden in organizational systems.

Organizational Psychology

Structural Racism and Bias

Structural racism in the context of organizational psychology refers to the systemic and ingrained patterns of discrimination and inequality based on race that affect the dynamics, policies, practices, and culture of organizations. This concept is critical to understanding how racial disparities persist in the workplace, impacting recruitment, promotion, compensation, and overall employee experience.

Here are some common ways that structural racism manifests in organizations:

  1. Recruitment and Hiring Practices
  2. Promotion, Advancement, and Leadership
  3. Workplace Culture and Norms
  4. Salary and Benefits
  5. Training and Development Opportunities
  6. Organizational Policies and Practices
  7. Community Relations and Corporate Social Responsibility

Selected Publications

Bartlett, A., Rundle, M. & Williams, M. T. (in press). Strategic allies: Cultivating allyship between people and teams to help build a stronger and more inclusive organizational military culture. In B. T. Waruszynski (Ed.), Team Diversity and Inclusion in Defence and Security: International Perspectives. Springer.

Office of the Auditor General. (2023). Inclusion in the Workplace for Racialized Employees. Report 5. Reports of the Auditor General of Canada to the Parliament of Canada. Cat. No. FA1-27/2023-1-5E-PDF. ISBN: 978-0-660-67803-0.

Faber, S. C., Metzger, I. W., La Torre, J., Fisher, C., & Williams, M. T. (2023). The illusion of inclusion: Contextual Behavioral Science and the Black Community. Frontiers in Psychology: Cultural Psychology, 14(217833), 1-18.

Strauss, D., Gran-Ruaz, S., Osman, M., Williams, M., & Faber, S. (2023). Racism and censorship in the editorial and peer review process. Frontiers in Psychology: Cultural Psychology, 14 (1120938), 1-16.

Faber, S., Williams, M. T., Metzger, I. W., MacIntyre, M. M., Strauss, D., Duniya, C. G., Sawyer, K., Cénat, J. M., & Goghari, V. (2023). Lions at the gate: How weaponization of policy prevents people of colour from becoming professional psychologists in Canada. Canadian Psychology.

Williams, M., Bartlett, A., Zare, M., Custer, N. & Osman, M. (in press). Sexual harassment and abuse in law enforcement: Best practices for creating safety for female officers. The Police Journal: Theory, Practice and Principles.

Sarr, F., Knight, S., Strauss, D., Ouimet, A. J., Cénat, J. M., Williams, M. T., & Shaughnessy, K. (2022). Increasing the representation of Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour as students in psychology doctoral programs. Canadian Psychology, 63(4), 479–499.

Faber, S. C., Wu, E., Alobeid, F., Williams, M. & Bartlett, A. (2022). Never Going Back There: An Analysis of Disciplinary Actions of the Kentucky Board of Examiners and Recommendations for Equitable Protections for Early-Career Psychologists. Report for the Kentucky Psychological Association (KPA).

Williams, M. T. & Kanter, J. W. (2019). Promoting diversity and inclusion on college campuses. In M.T. Williams, D. C. Rosen, & J. W. Kanter (Eds.), Eliminating Race-Based Mental Health Disparities: Promoting Equity and Culturally Responsive Care Across Settings (pp. 243-276). Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Books.

Williams, M. T. (2019). Adverse racial climates in academia: Conceptualization, interventions, and call to action. New Ideas in Psychology, 55, 58-67.

All Publications

Special Issue

Power, Discrimination and Privilege in Individuals and Institutions

This special issue includes 20 articles and explores forms of covert or unexamined institutional power structures, systems, and their psychological effects and consequences.

Guest Editors

Sonya Faber
Monnica Williams
Matthew Skinta
Bia Labate

Read the Issue

Williams, Faber, & Skinta (2024). It's complicated: Power, discrimination, and privilege in individuals and institutions. Frontiers Psychology, 15

Barrita et al (2023). Ethnic identity and resilience: A moderated mediation analysis of protective factors for self-blame and racial microaggressions. Frontiers in Psychology: Personality and Social Psychology, 14

Bergkamp et al (2023). Pathways to the therapist paragon: A decolonial grounded theory . Frontiers in Psychology: Personality and Social Psychology, 14

Davidson et al (2023). Postdoctoral researchers' perspectives on working conditions and equal opportunities in German academia . Frontiers in Psychology: Gender, Sex and Sexualities, 14.

Faber et al (2023). The illusion of inclusion: Contextual Behavioral Science and the Black Community . Frontiers in Psychology: Cultural Psychology, 14

Faber et al (2023). Abuse of power in disciplinary actions of a state psychology licensing board: Inequitable outcomes and early career psychologists . Frontiers in Psychology: Forensic and Legal Psychology, 14

Goghari & Kusi (2023). An introduction to the basic elements of the caste system of India . Frontiers in Psychology: Cultural Psychology, 14

Haq & Shafieioun (2023). Radicalization from a societal perspective . Frontiers Psychology: Personality and Social Psychology, 14

Holmes et al (2023). Development of the Oppression-Based Traumatic Stress Inventory (OBTSI): A novel and intersectional approach to measuring traumatic stress . Frontiers in Psychology: Psychopathology, 14

Huang (2022). Power decline and the change of self-esteem: The moderating effect of self-defense . Frontiers in Psychology: Personality and Social Psychology, 13

Kantachote (2024). Legal violence: The struggles of Thai women in Thai massage businesses . Frontiers in Sociology: Migration and Society, 9

Karnaze et al (2023). Compassion as a tool for allyship and antiracism . Frontiers in Psychology: Personality and Social Psychology, 14

Louisiana Contextual Sci Res Group. (2023). Promoting appetitive learning of consensual, empowered vulnerability: A contextual behavioral conceptualization of intimacy . Frontiers in Psychology: Personality and Social Psychology, 14

Morisano et al (2023). Conducting research with Indigenous peoples in Canada: Ethical and policy considerations . Frontiers in Psychology: Cultural Psychology, 14

Pascal et al (2023). Emotional relevance and prejudice: Testing the differentiated effect of incidental disgust on prejudice towards ethnic minorities . Frontiers in Psychology: Personality and Social Psychology, 14

Smith & Harris (2023). Actual and symbolic prisons, black men, and the freedom-unfreedom paradox: Interrogating the bad faith of racialized oppression in a post-accountable United States . Frontiers in Psychology: Personality and Social Psychology, 14

Strauss et al (2023). Racism and censorship in the editorial and peer review process. Frontiers in Psychology: Cultural Psychology, 14

Traversa & Wright (2023). Cancel culture can be collectively validating for groups experiencing harm . Frontiers in Psychology: Personality and Social Psychology, 14

Vierra et al (2023). Critical action to redress systemic oppression: A person-centered approach . Frontiers in Psychology: Personality and Social Psychology, 14

Yuen (2023). Effects of salient factors on the pursuit of higher education among multicultural youth in Hong Kong . Frontiers in Psychology: Educational Psychology, 14

Popular Books and Videos by Dr. Monnica Williams

book - Racial Trauma

Healing Racial Trauma

A 12-Session Protocol. Now available for pre-order!

book - Power, Discrimination, and Privilege

Power, Privilege, Discrimination

In Individuals and Institutions

book - Managing Microaggressions

Managing Microaggressions

Addressing Everyday Racism in Therapeutic Spaces

book - Culturally Responsive Care

Mental Health

Eliminating Race-Based Disparities: Equity and Culturally Responsive Care

book - Psychedelic Therapy

Psychedelic Therapy

American Psychological Association Deliberate Practice Series

book - Sexual Obsessions in OCD

Treating OCD

Sexual Obsessions in OCD: Definitive Guide to Understanding, Diagnosis, & Treatment

book - Sexual Obsessions in OCD

Treating OCD

Sexual Obsessions in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Audiobook

PESI video

Racial Trauma

Assessment and Treatment Techniques for Trauma Rooted in Racism


Racial Trauma Treatment

A 12-Session Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Protocol


Transforming Therapy

Being the Change: Embracing Antiracism in the Therapy Room


Equity and Access to Care

Psychedelics & Racial Justice


Psychedelic Justice

Equitable and Diverse Psychedelic Culture